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Celebrate Birthday in the Middle of a Pandemic, Momo Geisha Rapid Test All Guests - Family and Villa Employees

Celebrate Birthday in the Middle of a Pandemic, Momo Geisha Rapid Test All Guests - Family and Villa Employees Momo Geisha © instagram/therealmomogeisha - Momo Geisha's 34th birthday celebration took place simply. Together with her husband, child, and in-laws, Momo held a party at a family-owned villa located not far from their home in Malang.

Taking place in the midst of a pandemic, Momo did not invite many people to her birthday party. Only a few family members were present, two priests, and villa employees who helped facilitate the smooth running of the party.

1. Rapid Test

Although not many guests attended, Momo still maintained health protocols during the event. One of them is conducting rapid tests for everyone who comes without exception.

"Thanksgiving worship on my birthday 07-06-2020. This worship was held in a private villa not far from home, only with family, 2 servants of God, and villa employees. Thank God, all rapid test results were negative," Momo wrote on Instagram.

2. Wearing Masks

In addition, it is evident that everyone at this event wore masks. This includes Momo's husband, Reza Samudra, and the pastors who led the birthday prayer.

The musicians also wore masks. However, for blowing out candles and cutting the tumpeng, Momo and her husband took off their masks to eat.

Happy birthday, Momo!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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