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Celebrating 1 Year Wedding Anniversary, Reino Barack Responds to Syahrini's Love Message

Celebrating 1 Year Wedding Anniversary, Reino Barack Responds to Syahrini's Love Message Reino Barack - Syahrini © - Exactly one year ago today, Syahrini and Reino Barack officially got married at Camii Mosque, Tokyo. It's no wonder that this became a very special moment as it was their first anniversary.

On this happy day, both Syahrini and Reino Barack posted special tribute posts on Instagram. Syahrini started by uploading a photo of their wedding. It was there that she finally wrote a very romantic love letter to her husband.

Not wanting to be outdone by Syahrini, Reino finally uploaded a similar post. This time he chose their wedding video, which was filled with emotions.

1. Reply from Reino

Along with the upload of the video, Reino Barack also wrote a reply message to Syahrini, "27 FEB. You are the best thing I never planned before. And I will still choose you even if I have to do it a million times. Happy anniversary my @princessyahrini."

Touched by her husband's post, Syahrini finally wrote a comment that said, "I love you, my extraordinary husband, happy anniversary."

2. Reino's Love Words

Just like Syahrini, Reino had previously written a comment on his wife's love letter post. The ex-boyfriend of Luna Maya also expressed words full of love, "Happy anniversary my love. I love you."

This anniversary post from Reino and Syahrini quickly became a hot topic of discussion on social media. Many netizens were also moved by the romance they displayed. Are you also one of them?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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