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Chelsea Islan's 25th Birthday, Boyfriend Shows Sweet Kiss Photo and Expresses Love

Chelsea Islan's 25th Birthday, Boyfriend Shows Sweet Kiss Photo and Expresses Love Rob Clinton and Chelsea Islan © instagram/robclintonkardinal - Although it takes place amidst a pandemic, Chelsea Islan's birthday still feels sweet. This is because her boyfriend, Rob Clinton Kardinal, remains romantic even though they are just at home.

On Chelsea's birthday, Rob uploaded their previously unpublished photo. In the picture, Rob hugs Chelsea from behind romantically.

1. Kiss on the Neck

Not only hugging, Rob's romance with Chelsea continues. He also kissed the back of the actress's neck from behind, his kiss falling on the hair that covered Chelsea's neck.

"Love and happiness are a compliment. You can't have just one of them and I get the best of both when I'm with you," Rob wrote sweetly.

2. Expressing Love

Not only are the photos affectionate and romantic, at the end of his caption, Rob also expresses his love for Chelsea. Now he no longer hesitates to express his feelings for the star of the movie BEFORE THE DEVIL TAKES HIM.

"Happy birthday, my dear, I love you #birthday #indonesia #stayhome #dirumahaja #stayhealthy," Rob wrote.

3. Still Romantic

It is not known when the photo of Rob and Chelsea displayed on Instagram was taken. However, from the clothes Chelsea is wearing, it is suspected that the photo was taken when they were on vacation abroad with their family last year.

Rob and Chelsea's relationship is now known to the public. And even though they are no longer a new couple, they still remain romantic with each other.

Happy birthday, Chelsea!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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