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Chronology of Lina Mukherjee Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Saying Bismillah When Eating Pork

Chronology of Lina Mukherjee Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Saying Bismillah When Eating Pork


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Chronology of Lina Mukherjee Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Saying Bismillah When Eating Pork

The Indian lover celebrity named Lina Mukherjee has just been sentenced to 2 years in prison for her content of eating pork. The Palembang District Court imposed a sentence on Lina for blasphemy because she said bismillah before eating pork.

This punishment given to Lina is quite surprising and has sparked controversy among netizens. Lina admitted that she will reconsider the judge's verdict and is not ruling out the possibility of filing an appeal.



Celebrity and TikToker Lina Mukherjee dragged into a legal case because of her content of eating pork while saying bismillah. She is reported for blasphemy and her case is now being heard in the Palembang District Court.


Until now, Lina is known as a content creator who is closely associated with Indian culture. The real name of Lina Lutfiawati is very obsessed with everything related to India and often travels there to meet Bollywood artists.


In addition to being known for her clothing and scratching content, Lina is also known as a food reviewer. Despite receiving a lot of criticism for her content, Lina continues to create various content and her TikTok followers reach 2 million accounts.


Until now, she is known for her Indian content, Lina has also gone viral several times due to controversial content. From scratching her private parts in public, to her choice of clothing that is considered too revealing by netizens, and even the color of her armpits becomes a public topic of discussion.


This is the content that landed Lina in prison and threatened with jail time. She admitted to being curious about eating pork directly and said bismillah before consuming it. Because of this content, Lina was reported for blasphemy, as a Muslim is not allowed to eat pork. However, Lina stated that she would rather try it while she is still alive than be curious until death. In the content, she admitted that this was not her first time eating pork. However, in the previous two occasions, she accidentally consumed pork, and in this content, she wanted to consciously experience it.


The verdict given by the judge to Lina for the pork-eating case has sparked controversy among netizens. Most of them believe that the punishment is too severe for a trivial case. Lina herself admitted that she was not surprised by the judge's verdict. However, she will reconsider the punishment given to her.


Because of the content about eating pork, Lina has been detained by the Palembang District Court since July 10, 2023. The case has been rolling and the prosecutor has filed a demand for 2 years imprisonment. When hearing the prosecutor's demand, Lina cried and admitted missing her parents.


On September 9, 2023, the Panel of Judges agreed with the Prosecutor and imposed a sentence of 2 years imprisonment and a fine of Rp250 million, with a subsidiary of 3 months imprisonment. During the trial, Lina said she would reconsider and was said to be filing an appeal against the decision of the Panel of Judges. Lina is charged under Article 45 A paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE). The Panel of Judges assessed that Lina, with intent and without authority, spread information intended to incite hatred among individuals and certain groups of society based on religion.
