Vicky Prasetyo Taken to Hospital, Eko Patrio: Gladiator Spirit Get Well Soon
Vicky Prasetyo taken to hospital. Here are the details. - Last week, there were rumors circulating that the marriage of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah was on the rocks. Especially after news emerged stating that the South Jakarta District Court confirmed the lawsuit.
The issue of cracks in their marriage appeared after Wendah was interviewed by the media on Monday last week (29/4/2024) after leaving the hospital. In that interview, the former member of Cherry Belle mentioned that she was living separately from her husband.
"I happened to be staying at Aunt Wendy's house with the kids. So I went back to Aunt Wendy's house because it's easier to go back and forth (to the hospital). How long have we been at Aunt Wendy's house?" Wendah asked when met in Karawaci, Tangerang.
"Two months," Bertrand Peto answered on the same occasion.
"It's easier, right? Having relatives to stay with," Wendah added.
Chronology of Sarwendah Reported Divorce Lawsuit against Ruben Onsu ©
After the interview became the subject of news in various mass media, speculation began to circulate that Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah had separated. The situation became more uncontrollable after news emerged stating that there was a lawsuit in the South Jakarta District Court.
On Thursday night (2/5/2024), Wendah finally spoke to the media. She denied the existence of the lawsuit to prevent the news from getting wilder. "There is none. I don't have any lawsuit," Wendah firmly stated when met at her residence in Cipete, South Jakarta.
On Friday morning (3/5/2024), Chris Sam Siwu as Sarwendah's legal representative went to the South Jakarta District Court to seek clarification regarding the circulating news. In the evening, Djuyamto as the Public Relations Officer of the South Jakarta District Court sent a video stating that the circulating news was due to misinformation.
"The circulating information is misinformation based on my explanation as the Public Relations Officer of the South Jakarta District Court to the media friends who confirmed the information yesterday afternoon," said Djuyamto as quoted by from his official statement.
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