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Chronology of the Dispute between Razman Nasution and Iqlima Kim

Chronology of the Dispute between Razman Nasution and Iqlima Kim Chronology of the Dispute between Razman Nasution and Iqlima Kim. (instagram/razmannasution71) -

The feud between two prominent lawyers, Razman Arif Nasution and Hotman Paris Hutapea, is back in the public spotlight. This case has gained more attention after involving the name Iqlima Kim, a former personal assistant to Hotman Paris who claims to have experienced sexual harassment.

Iqlima Kim was appointed as Hotman Paris's personal assistant in February 2022, but shortly thereafter she chose to resign. Her decision became a topic of public discussion when she revealed allegations of sexual harassment that she experienced while working with Hotman. This statement eventually led to a prolonged legal conflict.

Razman Nasution, who became Iqlima's legal counsel, is overseeing the report of the alleged harassment. However, Hotman Paris did not remain silent and counter-reported Razman on charges of defamation. The feud between the two has continued to escalate to the courtroom, becoming increasingly heated with various actions occurring in the courtroom.

1. Iqlima Kim Becomes Hotman Paris's Personal Assistant

In February 2022, Iqlima Kim was appointed as the ninth personal assistant of Hotman Paris. However, she only lasted a few weeks before ultimately resigning. Her decision to resign sparked various speculations in the media and the public.

2. Claims of Sexual Harassment by Iqlima Kim

Shortly after leaving Hotman Paris's team, Iqlima Kim claimed to have experienced sexual harassment while working as his assistant. This statement immediately shocked the public and made her name go viral.

3. Razman Nasution Becomes Iqlima's Lawyer and Reports Hotman Paris

Razman Nasution then emerged as Iqlima Kim's legal counsel and handled the report of the alleged harassment. This case then developed into a dispute between Razman and Hotman, both of whom are known as prominent lawyers with their own supporting bases.

4. Hotman Paris Reports Razman for Alleged Defamation

Feeling that his reputation has been tarnished, Hotman Paris did not remain silent. He reported Razman Nasution for defamation to the National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim Polri). This report further strained their relationship and brought them to court.

5. Commotion in Court During Defamation Hearing

On February 6, 2025, the defamation hearing at the North Jakarta District Court became chaotic. The incident occurred when Hotman Paris was giving testimony before the panel of judges. Razman suddenly erupted in anger and approached Hotman, and even one of his lawyers, Firdaus Oiwobo, climbed onto the courtroom table. The judge ultimately suspended the hearing to calm the situation.

6. Hotman Paris Asks for Razman to Be Legally Processed

After the commotion in court, Hotman Paris requested the police to take action against Razman. According to him, Razman's actions during the trial undermined the ongoing legal process. He also urged the Supreme Court and the North Jakarta District Court to take firm steps regarding the incident.

7. Razman Reports Judge to KY and MA

Not stopping there, Razman Nasution along with his legal team reported the panel of judges from the North Jakarta District Court to the Judicial Commission (KY) on the same day. He also went to the Supreme Court (MA) to request a replacement of the judge handling his case. In addition, Razman brought his complaint to the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) in hopes of gaining support from Commission III of the DPR.

That is the chronology of the feud between Razman Nasution and Iqlima Kim. Stay tuned for other celebrity news. If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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