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Congratulations, Handika Pratama Officially Becomes Rosiana Dewi's Husband

Congratulations, Handika Pratama Officially Becomes Rosiana Dewi's Husband Handika Pratama and Rosiana Dewi © Herdianto - Their smiles can be seen from the lips of artist Handika Pratama. Because, the 33-year-old man has now officially discarded his single status by marrying the beautiful presenter named Rosiana Dewi.

Their marriage ceremony was held privately at Hotel HIS Lippo Kuningan, South Jakarta. With one breath, Handika Pratama successfully made Rosiana Dewi his wife.

"I accept the marriage and the dowry of Siti Afifah Rosiana Dewi with the dowry above paid in cash," said Handika Pratama during the marriage ceremony, Sunday (20/12).

1. Valid

After the witnesses stated that their marriage was valid, the families and relatives of both bride and groom expressed their gratitude.

"Alhamdulillah it's valid," shouted the invited guests.

2. Long Courtship

Before getting married, Handika Pratama dated Rosiana Dewi for several years. Now, they have officially made a lifelong commitment in front of the witnesses. congratulates Handika Pratama and Rosiana Dewi on their marriage. May they have a blessed, loving, and fruitful marriage.


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