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Congratulations! Siti Nurhaliza Gives Birth to Second Child at the Age of 42, Male Gender

Congratulations! Siti Nurhaliza Gives Birth to Second Child at the Age of 42, Male Gender Siti - Happy news comes from the Siti Nurhaliza family. Specifically on Monday, April 19, 2021, she gave birth to her second child, a baby boy, in Selangor, Malaysia.

"Monday, April 19, 2021, which coincides with 7 Ramadan 1442H, Dato' Sri Siti Nurhaliza successfully gave birth to a baby boy at a medical center in Selangor, at 6:21 a.m.," wrote the caption in Siti's Instagram post," Siti wrote in her Instagram post.


1. Current Condition of Siti and the Baby

After giving birth to a baby weighing 3.84 kg, the condition of Dato Sri Khalid Mohamad Jiwa's wife is healthy and fine, along with their newly born son.

What is important to Khalid (the husband) is that the mother and child are in a healthy condition, stable, and the delivery process went smoothly,” he wrote in the caption column.


2. Thank You Message

Siti and her husband also express their gratitude and thanks to the doctor team who handled her delivery.

“Besides that, they also want to thank the doctors and nurses led by Dr. Leong Wai Yew from Alpha IVF & Women's Specialist who have carried out their responsibilities and provided the best service throughout Siti's delivery process,” he continued.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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