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Crying Together While Sobbing, Here's the Emotional Moment of Angelina Sondakh's Meeting with Comedian Qomar - Netizens Suspect Something

Crying Together While Sobbing, Here's the Emotional Moment of Angelina Sondakh's Meeting with Comedian Qomar - Netizens Suspect Something Angelina Sondakh and Nurul Qomar (credit: Entertainment/) - The moment of meeting between Angelina Sondakh and Nurul Qomar recently was filled with emotion. This is because they were seen crying together while sobbing when they could meet again after a long time. However, the public suspects that the tears were a sign of something.

Through the Keema Entertainment Youtube channel, Angelina Sondakh talked to comedian  Nurul Qomar who was once her colleague in the Senayan seat. It's no wonder that this meeting seemed like a nostalgic moment for both of them, remembering the memories of the past when they were in the political arena.

Not only that, it turns out that Nurul Qomar was also one of the witnesses of the love story between Angelina Sondakh and the late Adjie Massaid.




1. Cried Immediately When Meeting

Beautiful artist Angelina Sondakh has been declared free after serving her 10-year sentence behind bars. Angie's freedom in early 2022 was greeted with great joy by her beloved family. Already back to being active, Angie is also active on the Keema Entertainment Youtube channel.

Meanwhile, not long ago Angie was seen inviting comedian Nurul Qomar who used to be a colleague in the entertainment world and even a member of the Indonesian parliament. At the meeting, they were seen unable to hold back their tears. With tears streaming down their faces, Angie and Nurul Qomar greeted each other and asked about each other's news.

"Pak Haji, how are you? Are you feeling better?" said Angelina Sondakh on the Keema Entertainment Youtube channel.




2. Very Emotional

The meeting moment between Angie and comedian Nurul Qomar was seen surrounded by emotion. Especially since it is known that Nurul Qomar occasionally visits Angelina Sondakh when she was still in prison. Angie even revealed that Qomar knows a lot of stories about her.

Seeing this situation, some netizens suspect that their tears indicate something. Where netizens suspect that there is a message hidden by both of them. In addition, some netizens also said that the crying was like the crying of someone who had been oppressed.




3. Remembering the Early Career Days in Politics

Meeting again after a long time, Angelina Sondakh also reminisced about her early career days with Nurul Qomar when they were politicians. Because in the past, Angelina Sondakh always sat next to Qomar. Until both of them entered Commission 10 of the Indonesian parliament and always sat together.

Therefore, their closeness as colleagues became even closer. At this moment, Nurul Qomar also showed a photo of a memory from the past when he and Angie were still working in politics together.

"Remembering my meeting with Pak Haji at that time, I didn't know Mas Adjie yet, sir. I still remember when we had to campaign in a remote area like that, Pak Haji and I had to take a helicopter. Then Pak Haji always sat separately from me, Pak Haji said, 'just sit here' but it turned out to be next to Mas Adjie. Because during those years we often walked together, me, Pak Haji, and the late one always got schedules together everywhere we went," said Angie.




4. Always Together in a Trio

Angelina Sondakh revealed that she used to work together with comedian Nurul Qomar and her late husband in their political work. Not only in the city, but the three of them also often worked together outside of Java island. This is where the beginning of Angelina Sondakh and Adjie Massaid's closeness started to appear.

"We used to always be together like the trio kwek-kwek all the way to Palu, Manado. But when we returned, I always went home with Mas Adjie and when I invited Pak Haji Qomar, he always said 'You guys go ahead first' and at that time my driver couldn't pick me up at the airport so I hitched a ride with Mas Adjie. It turns out it was already planned, and we ended up dating in the car while Pak Haji was actually on his way back from our trip," said Angelina Sondakh.




5. Playing Matchmaker with Late Husband

Bringing a number of memories photos from her career in politics with her late husband, Angelina Sondakh also reminisced about her past love story. Especially since Nurul Qomar turned out to be the matchmaker between her and the late Adjie Massaid until they got married.

Qomar even remembers one of the songs that represents the love story of Adjie Massaid and Angelina Sondakh. It turns out that the song also became a special song when Adjie proposed to Angie, which started when the three of them were in Pacitan.

"Since Pacitan, I have been remembering one song 'sincere love in my heart has blossomed because of you' (while singing the song Cinta Yang Tulus by Gito Rollies)," said Nurul Qomar in the Youtube channel Keema Entertainment.




6. Remembering the Time Together in the Entertainment Industry

Not only in the political world, it turns out that Angelina Sondakh and Nurul Qomar were also often involved in working together in the entertainment industry. They even worked together several times in one film title and television show. It's no wonder that comedian Nurul Qomar knows a lot about Angelina Sondakh's career journey both in politics and the entertainment industry.

"So, MC, yes, speech giver, yes, going everywhere, yes. I have too many memories that I have carved out with Pak Haji and Mas Adjie. Even my love story, I think Pak Haji knows about it too. How Mas Adjie often confided in Pak Haji too," said Angie.




7. Giving Encouraging Messages and Advice

Besides reminiscing the old days, Angelina Sondakh also shared her feelings and experiences when she faced quite heavy problems at that time. Even Angie revealed that she had felt desperate, wanted to give up, and was a little traumatized when hearing the word politics.

However, she accepted everything with sincerity and came back to start a new and better life. Meanwhile, comedian Qomar then gave encouragement and advice to Angie, whom he called a wonder woman.

"The nobility in life is actually when we rise. Our success is not measured by how much money we have but how many people we have lightened their burdens," said Comedian Nurul Qomar.

Those were a series of touching moments of the meeting between Angelina Sondakh and comedian Qomar. What do you think, KLovers?





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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