Tarra Budiman and his wife Gya Sadiqah are now complete with their happiness. Yes, because their family has just been blessed with their first child. Specifically, on December 28th. Here are some cute portraits of Tarra Budiman's child.
Celebrity Children
Tarra Budiman and his wife Gya Sadiqah are now complete with their happiness. Yes, because their family has just been blessed with their first child. Specifically, on December 28th. Here are some cute portraits of Tarra Budiman's child.
December 28th, 2018 was a special moment for Tarra Budiman. Yes, his wife gave birth to their first child.
Finally, the long wait has paid off. Their child has arrived, bringing a new color to their household.
Their daughter was named Kalea Jada Agyra. She was born at 09:10 AM with a weight of 3 kg and a length of 48 cm.
Tarra and Gya are extremely happy. They also feel the joy of the blessing they have received.
Kalea now brightens the days of this celebrity couple. Tarra feels that the world becomes more beautiful with the cries and laughter of their child.
Like any other baby, Kalea also enjoys sunbathing in the morning sunlight. It's adorable to see Kalea sunbathing like this.
Wow, Kalea is sleeping, KLovers. I wonder what she's dreaming about?
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