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Davina Veronica's Complaint About the Existence of Crazy Rich People Who Will Build a New Zoo, Indirectly Mocking Raffi Ahmad?

Davina Veronica's Complaint About the Existence of Crazy Rich People Who Will Build a New Zoo, Indirectly Mocking Raffi Ahmad? Instagram - Actress and activist Davina Veronica recently expressed her concern about the plan of a public figure to build a new zoo in Jakarta.

According to Davina, the construction of the zoo is considered excessive and seems to disregard the fate of the animals. Davina suggested that the public figure, whom she called crazy rich, should take care of the existing zoos instead.


1. Raffi Ahmad?

Netizens reacted to Davina's complaint. Some netizens immediately associated the crazy rich figure with Raffi Ahmad, who is indeed planning to build a zoo and several other entertainment attractions.

However, these allegations have not been confirmed yet. Davina herself vented about the construction of the zoo through her personal Instagram account.

2. Fix Existing Zoos

"Why don't crazy rich people fix the existing zoo? If they care, why don't they fix Ragunan Zoo?" wrote Davina through her Instagram account @davinaveronica. "The existing zoos in this country should be fixed, some even need to be closed because they are not suitable. Why do they want to build new ones instead?" she continued.

Davina doubts the good intentions of the crazy rich in building a zoo. According to her, not many people are truly committed to taking care of animals.

3. Sacrificing Animals

"With all due respect and belief that you have good intentions. But with the things we have mentioned above. If you continue with that intention, the big question is: with that awareness, are you capable of continuing that plan?" Davina continued.

"And/or are you willing to sacrifice those animals to live confined in cages and be handled by people whose commitment to the welfare of those animals is unclear every day for a very long period of time?" she added.

4. Jakarta Doesn't Need a New Zoo

In her statement, Davina also emphasized that Jakarta doesn't need a new zoo. She also questioned whether the crazy rich person has personally seen the animal care process.

"Have you ever directly observed the various animals kept in zoos in Indonesia? You may live far away from the zoo and attend to other interesting businesses, but the animals are stuck there forever. What does Jakarta need? Clearly not another zoo, right?" said Davina.

5. Prioritize City Parks

Davina also suggested to the crazy rich person to prioritize the development of city parks instead of zoos. She also outlined the benefits of building city parks for the wider community, rather than building a new zoo.

Until now, Davina has not revealed whether her criticism is directed towards Raffi Ahmad or not.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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