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Delayed Release for Two Years, Filming of Merindu Cahaya De Amstel Turns Out to Be Done Before the Covid 19 Pandemic Outbreak

Delayed Release for Two Years, Filming of Merindu Cahaya De Amstel Turns Out to Be Done Before the Covid 19 Pandemic Outbreak Kapanlagi/Muhammad Akrom Sukarya - The film Merindu Cahaya De Amstel, directed by Hendrah Daeng Ratu, had to postpone its release for two years in all cinemas in the country due to the Covid 19 pandemic. It is known that the shooting process for this film was carried out from February to March 2020, and it will only be released in cinemas in January 2020.

The cast of the film Merindu Cahaya De Amstel, Rachel Amanda, Brian Domani, and Amanda Rawles, when met in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, on Monday (27/12), shared about the shooting process. Rachel Amanda said that the filming was done before the first Covid 19 case appeared in Indonesia.


1. Filming Before the Pandemic

"We were shooting in February to March 2020, just before the pandemic. When we were there, the cases were just starting to rise in Italy, but at that time people in Amsterdam seemed relaxed, so thankfully no one was affected at that time," said Rachel Amanda.

However, Brian Domani admitted that he had heard news from the radio that there were already cases in the Netherlands, although they could still be counted on one hand.

2. Can Return After Filming is Complete

"I heard on the radio that some Dutch people have been affected, but it's still small, I asked if there are still one or two affected, the cases can still be counted on one hand," said Briand Domani in the same occasion.

Rachel Amanda also said that fortunately she and her two colleagues were able to return to Indonesia after the filming process was completed. In addition, Rachel Amanda admitted that it doesn't matter if the film Merindu Cahaya De Amstel is postponed for two years because it would be a waste if no one watches it.

3. Last Flight

"When we wanted to go home, there were no more flights to the Netherlands, only for those who were going home and we were lucky to get the last flight to Indonesia," said Rachel Amanda.

"Whether we like it or not, maybe because of this pandemic, our focus is on staying healthy. So we choose to wait until the situation is really conducive, it would be a waste if we force it," concluded Rachel Amanda.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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