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Deny There Is Competition in the Muslim Fashion Business, Fenita Arie Often Confides in Shireen Sungkar

Deny There Is Competition in the Muslim Fashion Business, Fenita Arie Often Confides in Shireen Sungkar Fenita Arie (credit: Special) - Fenita Arie tries to dive into the Muslim fashion business with a brand named Fe.z. This is something new for the wife of actor Arie Untung because she was previously only used to.

Like recently, Fenita held a fashion show at the Fashion Rhapsody 2020 event. She showcased the latest collection with the theme Secret Garden, which will later become a derivative for this year's Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr collections.

"This is something new, so it's full of learning. Not just giving designs like what, but also looking for comfortable materials to wear. If in the past we only knew if it's not good, then it's okay, now how can we make something that we like and people also like," said Fenita when met at The Tribrata, Dharmawangsa area, last weekend.

1. No Competition

Before Fenita Arie, many famous names in the country have joined the Muslim fashion industry. Interestingly, this model and presenter admitted that there is no competition at all. Instead, brand owners discuss and support each other.

"I don't feel any competition because in the Muslim fashion industry, we increase choices so that people don't have difficulties. For example, it used to be difficult for newcomers to choose hijab, but now with many brands, there are more options. For example, one person suits brand A, while another suits brand B. As practitioners, there is no competition. Instead, we learn a lot from each other," explained Fenita.

2. Learning from Shireen Sungkar

One of the artists who becomes Fenita's discussion partner is Shireen Sungkar. They not only share about the ups and downs of doing business, but Shireen also gives hints about affordable yet comfortable materials.

"I often share with Shireen. For example, I ask where to buy materials at such a price. She said if you want it cheap, try this. We share a lot. So, if you talk about competition or anything, we won't share like that. Business is business, friends are friends. We support each other. If they have a new collection, we buy it, and vice versa," she added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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