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Denying Prioritizing Vicky Prasetyo over Azka Corbuzier, Kalina Ocktaranny: He is My Life

Denying Prioritizing Vicky Prasetyo over Azka Corbuzier, Kalina Ocktaranny: He is My Life Kalina Ocktaranny © Herdianto - Deddy Corbuzier was known to have been exposed to the Covid-19 virus which caused him to experience a cytokine storm. In order to accompany him, Azka Corbuzier was willing to contract the virus by drinking from Deddy's used glass.

Knowing this fact, Kalina Ocktaranny as a mother admitted that she was deeply touched. Her child is indeed someone who would do anything for the people she loves.

"Azka is an extraordinary child and he will do anything for the people around him. I am very grateful to have a child like Azka," said Kalina when met at the South Jakarta District Court, Thursday (26/8/2021).

Unfortunately, Kalina does not want to talk much about Azka's choice to contract the virus. She wants it to remain private between her and her son.

"We have already had a conversation about it over the phone. We are going to meet and talk directly next week. I told Azka yesterday, 'Whatever happens, you have Mama' like that," explained Kalina.

1. Deny Prioritizing

As known, Kalina Ocktaranny and Azka Corbuzier no longer live together after the woman divorced from Deddy Corbuzier. However, their relationship remains good like any mother and child in general.

Kalina denies that she has been prioritizing her child since marrying Vicky Prasetyo. Both of them hold the same position. It's just that currently, Vicky is the focus.

"I am currently focusing on taking care of my husband first. I am not prioritizing my child. I prioritize others," explained Kalina.

"However, (Azka) is my life, he is my breath," concluded Kalina while trying to hold back tears.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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