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Died Due to Heart Attack, This Was Carlo Saba's Condition Before Passing Away

Died Due to Heart Attack, This Was Carlo Saba's Condition Before Passing Away Verlita Evelyn, Ivan Saba, & Denny Saba at the funeral home of the late Carlo Saba © Santoso - One of the vocalists of Kahitna, Carlo Saba, was known to have passed away at Mayapada Lebak Bulus Hospital, South Jakarta, on Wednesday night (4/19). This news instantly struck a blow to the hearts of his family and closest ones.

When met at Sentosa funeral home in Central Jakarta on Thursday (4/20), Ivan Saba, the late Carlo Saba's brother, revealed the cause of his brother's death. He said Carlo died of a heart attack.

"And this is a heart attack. So thank you for all the support, attention, and prayers. Please forgive us if there were any mistakes," said Ivan Saba.


1. Chest Pain

Ivan then recounted the chronology before his brother took his last breath. He said that Carlo experienced blockage and a heart attack.

"Yes, after the fertilization process, he felt fine, the doctor also informed the medical team that always monitored him that his condition was indeed good. But there was a complaint of chest pain yesterday," he said.

"So yesterday an EKG process was performed and the result showed a blockage, the blockage plus an attack," he continued.


2. Passed Away Before the Doctor Arrived

In addition, Denny Saba added that Carlo passed away before the doctor could examine his condition after experiencing chest pain.

"The doctor was on the way to the hospital to take action, but Carlo was already gone," Denny Saba concluded.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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