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Distracting Attention, Here are 8 Latest Photos of Anang Hermansyah After Hair Transplant in Turkey - Even Said to Resemble Raul Lemos

Distracting Attention, Here are 8 Latest Photos of Anang Hermansyah After Hair Transplant in Turkey - Even Said to Resemble Raul Lemos


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Distracting Attention, Here are 8 Latest Photos of Anang Hermansyah After Hair Transplant in Turkey - Even Said to Resemble Raul Lemos

Anang Hermansyah and his family are currently in Turkey to visit his in-laws. However, this time it's not his meeting with Gen Halilintar that's the center of attention, but his new appearance after the hair transplant.

Now Anang has a new look that might be as cool as his younger days. Curious? Check it out here!


This is Anang Hermansyah's latest appearance after undergoing a hair transplant in Turkey.


If you look closely, there are small spots on the top of his forehead. Well, that's the result of his hair transplant.


Although not much change is visible, Anang's appearance now looks very different.


His latest photos are quite visible on various IG stories and Ashanty's posts.


Interestingly, Anang underwent a hair transplant in the same clinic where Kevin Aprilio had his hair transplant.


Currently, Anang is still bald, but maybe in a while, he will have long hair like his youth.


In addition to receiving praise from his peers, netizens are instead distracted and claim that he looks very similar to Raul Lemos. "I thought it was Uncle Raul Lemos," said one netizen.


If you still think Anang looks the same, here's a photo of him before he got a hair transplant. Quite different, right, KLovers?