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El Rumi Will Fight in the Boxing Ring, Maia Estianty: He Must Accept the Risk that Boxing Can Cause Injuries

El Rumi Will Fight in the Boxing Ring, Maia Estianty: He Must Accept the Risk that Boxing Can Cause Injuries Maia Estianty gives permission to El Rumi to box © Akrom Sukarya - On June 12, 2022, El Rumi will enter the boxing ring to fight YouTuber Winson Reynaldi in the Holywings Sport Show (HSS) 2022. Unfortunately, in this fight, Maia Estianty cannot provide direct support.

"Coincidentally, when he fights tomorrow, I won't be here. I might be in America. So, I can only pray from afar," said Irwan Mussry's wife when met in the SCBD area of South Jakarta, Monday (16/5).

1. Conditional Permission

The former wife of Ahmad Dhani said that she gives permission for El Rumi to box. But with one condition. What is it?

"I said, he can box as long as he wins," she said briefly.

2. Not Worried

Maia Estianty is also not worried if something unwanted happens after El Rumi enters the boxing ring. Her son is already an adult and knows the risk he will face later, considering boxing is a tough and dangerous sport.

"No, no, it's still a sport. He has to accept the risk that boxing can be brutal, right. So, this is a fun sport for him and as a parent, I will fully support whatever my child wants," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Not Inferior to Her Mother, Here are 10 Photos of Sarwendah and Ruben Onsu's Two Children Doing a Professional Model Photoshoot

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Not Inferior to Her Mother, Here are 10 Photos of Sarwendah and Ruben Onsu's Two Children Doing a Professional Model Photoshoot