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El Rumi's Story of Being Whipped by Ahmad Dhani as a Child, Breaking Nastar Jars and Often Running Away

El Rumi's Story of Being Whipped by Ahmad Dhani as a Child, Breaking Nastar Jars and Often Running Away


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El Rumi's Story of Being Whipped by Ahmad Dhani as a Child, Breaking Nastar Jars and Often Running Away

El Rumi, the son of Ahmad Dhani and Maia Estianty, apparently experienced a 'challenging' childhood. He was whipped by his father for his behavior.

What is the full story? Let's find out here.


Through the Youtube channel RANS Entertainment, El Rumi mentioned that he was whipped by his father, Ahmad Dhani, when he was still a child.


This moment apparently left a lasting impression in his memory and is still remembered by El until now.


He mentioned that he had been lifted onto the wardrobe and whipped by his father.


"I was whipped, you know, I just remember being scolded by my father and then placed on top of the wardrobe and immediately whipped," said El Rumi.


His mother, Maia Estianty, also confirmed this. She mentioned that young El was indeed a troublemaker.


"He's the type of person, like when El was told to sit nicely, he would run away. So, for example, if there were nastar cookies, he would break them until they were eventually thrown away," said Maia Estianty.


Maia was initially puzzled by her son's behavior, but later realized that he only did it to sweep and clean.


"Turns out you know, she wants to find something to keep her busy. As parents, we don't know why this child is like this," Maia concluded.