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Even though she has already worn a hijab, Nindy Ayunda admits that she is still often tempted to wear revealing clothes.

Even though she has already worn a hijab, Nindy Ayunda admits that she is still often tempted to wear revealing clothes. Nindy Ayunda once thought of wearing revealing clothes © Kafril - Nindy Ayunda, slowly starting to feel comfortable with her new appearance. The 35-year-old woman is now trying to always wear a hijab in her daily activities.

As time goes by, Nindy has also sorted out what kind of clothes she will wear for her daily life.

However, she admits that she is sometimes tempted to wear revealing clothes when she sees them in her wardrobe. However, she doesn't want to do that even though it would be easier and more practical to wear more revealing clothes.

"Yes, slowly there is, but it's just that my faith goes up and down," said Nindy Ayunda when met in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta, on Monday (4/3).

"Yes, of course, there is always the devil, and sometimes when I see the wardrobe, it seems easier to wear revealing clothes, but it's just passing," she continued.

1. Good Friendship

Not only sorting clothes, Nindy Ayunda also sorts her circle of friends. Fortunately, Nindy's circle of friends also consists of many women who wear hijab, so indirectly she also follows suit.

"Alhamdulillah, my circle of friends also includes many who wear hijab, so it's already normal for me," she said.

2. Reduce Going Out at Night

When asked further, Nindy also emphasized that now she tries her best not to go out at night if there is no important business.

"I mostly reduce going out or going out at night, so I don't like going out that makes me tired, especially when I feel sleepy, so I try to minimize, reduce it," she added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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