Syifa, Ayu Ting Ting's sister, has just married her dream man, Nanda Fachrizal. Some people must be curious about Nanda, who is now waiting to become Ayah Rozak. Here are a few facts about Ayu Ting Ting's brother-in-law.
Syifa, Ayu Ting Ting's sister, has just married her dream man, Nanda Fachrizal. Some people must be curious about Nanda, who is now waiting to become Ayah Rozak. Here are a few facts about Ayu Ting Ting's brother-in-law.
This is one of the photos from Nanda's wedding moment with Syifa, which was celebrated joyfully.
Before getting married, Nanda also uploaded several photos of him together with Syifa. This is one of them.
After her marriage became the talk of many people, surely there are some who are curious about Nanda's figure.
Nanda is one of Ayu Ting Ting's trusted people in work matters all this time.
A sports and travel enthusiast, Nanda is trusted as the responsible person for Ayu's Youtube channel. He is also trusted to handle several culinary businesses owned by Ayu.
Nanda is now officially part of Ayu Ting Ting's family. Once a trusted person, now a brother-in-law.
Nanda is also close to Ayu's family. Here is a photo of him with Syifa and Bilqis, Ayu Ting Ting's children.
May Nanda and Syifa always be happy and lasting!
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