The divorce of Ferry Maryadi from Risma, which was rumored to be due to a third party, has not been proven. However, at that time, there was news that Deswita Maharani was mentioned as the third party that triggered Ferry's divorce, but until now there has been no definite statement regarding that news. Ferry, who has been a cool widower since last May, is also reluctant to comment on his personal issues. Next...
Ferry Maryadi and Deswita Maharani
Celebrity Dating
Deswita laughed freely in the midst of the crowd. It was clear to see the happiness on her face while walking with Ferry.
The sleeveless blue polka dot dress made Deswita look fresher, as fresh as her feelings while walking with Ferry. Falling in love truly has a million feelings...
The event was indeed a wedding, but Deswita and Ferry felt like they had a 'private event' just for the two of them.
Chatting, joking together wherever we are.
Clothes may not match, but our hearts and feelings are already in sync!
Mingling with the guests, but we still have to stay close together.
Ferry's sunglasses are indeed effective against sunlight, but how can they withstand the camera's focus from news reporters.
Wulan Guritno and Adilla Dimitri in Malang
Wulan Guritno and Adilla Dimitri
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Fitri Tropica at the Kids Choice Awards
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