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Fleeing to Jakarta at the Age of 14, Gebby Vesta Becomes a Maid in a Brothel - Cleansing the Blood of Mens PSK

Fleeing to Jakarta at the Age of 14, Gebby Vesta Becomes a Maid in a Brothel - Cleansing the Blood of Mens PSK Gebby Vesta © Akrom Sukarya - Gebby Vesta is a transgender and a DJ in Indonesia. She indeed has a strong desire to become a genuine woman, even though her original status is male.

In a video on Ussy Andhika Official's Youtube account, Gebby tells about her past when she was still in junior high school and was 14 years old. At that time, she ran away to Jakarta because she had an argument with her father due to different desires.

"My dad asked, what do you want to be? I want to be a transgender. Then my dad said, do you want to go to school or be a transgender? I said I want to be a transgender. So I insisted to my dad that I want to be a transgender. Then my dad said, well if you don't want to go to school, then leave the house. So I really left the house and ran away to Jakarta," said Gebby Vesta on Ussy Andhika Official's Youtube account.

1. Willing to Run Away for Her Desires

At the age of 14, Gebby was willing to run away for her desires. She migrated to Jakarta with her close friend and worked as a maid in a brothel.

"So, at the age of 14, I ran away to Jakarta. I migrated and went together with my close friend, who also dropped out of high school. She was in her second year of high school when she quit. We migrated to Jakarta, and then I asked, 'Win, what kind of job do we want?' In the end, her basic nature was that she only wanted to be a rebellious person and didn't want to go to school. So, after two weeks in Jakarta, she went back home, but I didn't want to go back. I said, 'No, I don't want to go back, I'll stay here in Jakarta,'" she said.

"So, how can I survive there? Eventually, I became a maid. A maid in a brothel," she continued.

2. Washing Underwear with Menstrual Blood

Not only that, when Gebby was 14 years old, she worked at a brothel to earn money. She revealed that her job was to clean the rooms in the brothel and even wash the underwear with menstrual blood.

"So, at the age of 14, I was already used to seeing things like that, sorry, like prostitutes. They prepare everything to go down, below the showroom. So, under the showroom, customers come and point out what they want, and when they go down, I clean the rooms, their bedrooms, and wash their underwear. So, whether it's menstrual blood or not, I still have to wash it because I need the money," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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