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From Nagita Slavina - Irish Bella Comes with Partners at Insert Fashion Awards 2020, Which One is More Harmonious?

From Nagita Slavina - Irish Bella Comes with Partners at Insert Fashion Awards 2020, Which One is More Harmonious?

Celebrity Activities

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From Nagita Slavina - Irish Bella Comes with Partners at Insert Fashion Awards 2020, Which One is More Harmonious?

Insert Fashion Awards 2020 has just been held on Tuesday (17/3). In this award event, several celebrities attended with their partners. They looked harmonious and wore matching clothes.

Even Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina, then Ammar Zoni and Irish Bella successfully received an award as a fashionable family. So, how did they and other celebrities look at Insert Fashion Awards 2020? Let's see their portraits here.

From Nagita Slavina - Irish Bella Comes with Partners at Insert Fashion Awards 2020, Which One is More Harmonious?

In the event, there were at least 7 categories given, one of which was Fashionable Family. In this category, Ammar Zoni and Irish Bella became the winners.

From Nagita Slavina - Irish Bella Comes with Partners at Insert Fashion Awards 2020, Which One is More Harmonious?

Yes, in this Fashionable Family category, it is given to 5 celebrity couples. Besides Ibel and Ammar Zoni, there is also Muhammad Fardhan Khan with his wife, Mikaila Patritz, who also became winners.


What's also interesting is when Cut Meyriska and Roger came to this awards event. They both wore matching colors. They also looked happy because they are expecting their first child.

From Nagita Slavina - Irish Bella Comes with Partners at Insert Fashion Awards 2020, Which One is More Harmonious?

Duma Riris and Judika were also present. Not only the two of them, they also brought their two children. This family looks harmonious, especially with the outfits that their children wore, which were the same as theirs.


Another couple that also caught attention was Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina. Not only were they recipients of the category, they also entertained by singing a duet on stage.

From Nagita Slavina - Irish Bella Comes with Partners at Insert Fashion Awards 2020, Which One is More Harmonious?

Irma Darmawangsa and her boyfriend, Irfan Sbaztian, also appeared coordinated wearing pink clothes. They looked harmonious at the award event.

From Nagita Slavina - Irish Bella Comes with Partners at Insert Fashion Awards 2020, Which One is More Harmonious?

Not to be outdone by other couples, Elly Sugigi, or affectionately called Mpok Elly, also attended with her partner. Who else but Aditya Gumelar. They appeared in their casual style.

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Already Divorced, Here are 8 Proofs that Gading Marten and Gisella Anastasia Still Get Along in Taking Care of Gempi

Even though they have decided to separate, it turns out that when it comes to Gempi, Gading and Gisel are still in harmony. As seen some time ago, when they both attended Gempi's ballet performance. Let's take a look at their closeness, which is like a small family reunion.

Already Divorced, Here are 8 Proofs that Gading Marten and Gisella Anastasia Still Get Along in Taking Care of Gempi