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Going to Work, Nikita Willy Shows off Selfie Wearing Hijab and Prays for Consistency

Going to Work, Nikita Willy Shows off Selfie Wearing Hijab and Prays for Consistency Nikita Willy © - The charm of Nikita Willy recently caught attention. This is because she has now attracted attention by learning to wear a headscarf.

In every occasion, Nikita is seen faithfully wearing the head covering. On Thursday (18/6), she shared a selfie wearing a headscarf for work. Curious about what her portrait looks like?

1. Selfie Wearing Hijab

In her portrait, Nikita appears confident taking a selfie inside the car. Her stylish appearance makes her even more charming.

Many praised the beauty of Indra Priawan's ex-girlfriend. Netizens also pray for the actress to be consistent in wearing the hijab.

2. Introduced by Shireen Sungkar

Shireen is the person who introduced Nikita to Ustaz Abu Fida. They have been studying together since last Ramadan. Nikita Willy also admitted that she has completed reading the Qur'an to fill her time back then.

Since then, Nikita started learning to wear the hijab. Even on every occasion, she always faithfully covers her head with a hijab until now.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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