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Handsome Portrait of Baby Kenizio, Ricky Perdana and Chaca Thakya's Second Child

Handsome Portrait of Baby Kenizio, Ricky Perdana and Chaca Thakya's Second Child Portrait of Baby Kenizio with his sibling and father (Instagram/ chacathakya15) - Senior actor Ricky Perdana with his wife, Chaca Thakya, are currently happy parents of two children. The celebrity couple, who got married on July 9, 2016, have been blessed with their second child.

Their second child is also a boy and is named Kenizio Alluca Perdana. Previously, Ricky Perdana and Chacha Thakya had to wait for 4 years for the arrival of their first child, Xavier Shaquille Perdana.

Baby Kenizio or Baby Zio, the affectionate nickname of Ricky and Chaca's second child, has a handsome and adorable face. Baby Kenizio, who is now 5 months old, is becoming more active and cheerful. Through Instagram, Chaca Thakya often shares moments with Baby Kenizio.

Curious about what Baby Kenizio, Ricky Perdana and Chaca Thakya's second child, looks like? Read more below.

1. Second Son of Ricky Perdana and Chaca Thakya

Kenizio Alluca Perdana, the second son of Ricky Perdana and Chaca Thakya. Baby Kenizio was born on June 19, 2023 at 13:40 WIB. It turns out, their second son was born earlier than the Estimated Due Date (EDD).

According to Chaca Thakya's statement on Instagram on Tuesday (June 20, 2023), she actually gave birth to Baby Kenizio on June 23, 2023. However, due to spotting, Chaca's second delivery was on June 19, 2023.

2. Meaning of the Name Baby Kenizio

According to Ricky Perdana's statement on Instagram on Tuesday (June 20, 2023), he revealed the beautiful meaning of his second son's name. Kenizio Alluca Perdana means a generous and handsome boy with a radiant light.

Ricky Perdana also hopes that Baby Kenizio will become a pious child, a hafiz of the Quran, beneficial to many people, and make both parents and extended family proud.

3. Baby Kenizio Melts Netizens' Hearts

Even while sleeping, Baby Kenizio is incredibly cute and adorable. His straight and upright hair adds to the irresistibility for netizens.

This cute baby is so peaceful and calm when sound asleep. The beauty and tranquility that radiate from this adorable baby have stolen the hearts of many people.

4. Baby Kenizio's Chubby Cheeks

Baby Kenizio's charm makes people adore him. His handsome face combined with his chubby cheeks further complements the aura of this five-month-old baby's handsomeness. Moreover, his smile and laughter can brighten the hearts of Ricky Perdana and Chaca Thakya.

5. The Handsome Trio of Mami Chaca Thakya

The presence of two boys makes Chaca Thakya the most beautiful in the family. Xavier and Baby Kenizio inherit their handsome looks from their dad, Ricky Perdana. Their photos are so coordinated and they look like triplets.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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