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Haters Step Aside, 8 Intimate Photos of Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela as Officially Married Couple - Happy Together with 7 Children

Haters Step Aside, 8 Intimate Photos of Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela as Officially Married Couple - Happy Together with 7 Children

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Haters Step Aside, 8 Intimate Photos of Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela as Officially Married Couple - Happy Together with 7 Children

Mulan Jameela was secretly married to Ahmad Dhani around 2009. At that time, their newly built household was heavily affected by rumors of being a third party, dragging the name of the former Ratu member. A decade later, the rumors have subsided and this couple is now more harmonious. What do their photos look like?

Haters Step Aside, 8 Intimate Photos of Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela as Officially Married Couple - Happy Together with 7 Children

Ahmad Dhani admitted that he officially registered their marriage in 2020. "The official registration was in 2020, in Soreang," said Ahmad Dhani when interviewed at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Thursday (21/7).

Haters Step Aside, 8 Intimate Photos of Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela as Officially Married Couple - Happy Together with 7 Children

Married secretly for more than 10 years, unfortunately Ahmad Dhani did not explain the reason why he finally legalized his marriage in the country.


Despite being hit by storms of ridicule from haters, they proved that their love for each other is so strong and not affected at all by the criticism of netizens.


More harmonious, Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela now have a total of 7 children of varying ages. Who are they?


They are 2 biological children of Mulan and Dhani (Safeea Ahmad and Ahmad Syailendra Aerlangga), 3 biological children of Dhani from Maia (Al, El, Dul), and 2 children of Mulan from her marriage with Harry Nugraha (Tyarani Savitri and Rafly Aziz).

Haters Step Aside, 8 Intimate Photos of Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela as Officially Married Couple - Happy Together with 7 Children

Ahmad Dhani treats Mulan's children from her previous marriage the same as his own biological children.

Haters Step Aside, 8 Intimate Photos of Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela as Officially Married Couple - Happy Together with 7 Children

Similarly, Mulan loves Ahmad Dhani's child from Maia Estianty.

Haters Step Aside, 8 Intimate Photos of Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela as Officially Married Couple - Happy Together with 7 Children

Once criticized, now the situation is starting to turn around. Some netizens pray for Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela to always be given health and happiness until old age.