Sandra Dewi is beautiful, successful, a good mother, and certainly not lacking. But even so, she doesn't hesitate to say that she likes to shop when there are discounts. So, what's the story? Let's directly listen to her explanation!
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Sandra Dewi is beautiful, successful, a good mother, and certainly not lacking. But even so, she doesn't hesitate to say that she likes to shop when there are discounts. So, what's the story? Let's directly listen to her explanation!
Having a big name as an artist and presenter, Sandra Dewi who is married to a successful businessman also enjoys looking for discounts when shopping. Because for her, it can reduce monthly expenses.
The mother of two children admitted that one of the things she likes when shopping is the presence of discounts, because it can save money. Especially when shopping online, where the shipping fee can be free.
"Yes, of course, all mothers are looking for discounts," said Sandra Dewi at the launch of the Tokopedia Member Store Loyalty Program on Wednesday (16/10/2019) at Veranda Hotel, South Jakarta.
"Indeed, my husband doesn't complain about shopping a lot, but as mothers, we feel satisfied being able to save with discounts. Especially if we can get free shipping, we are happier because the price is fixed," she continued.
Through the TokoMember feature, Tokopedia facilitates Indonesian society in meeting daily needs by providing added value for shopping convenience and accelerating digital economic equality in Indonesia.
"Through TokoMember, who registered as a member of the Official Store can get various benefits: cashback coupons, free shipping coupons, direct discount coupons, and freebies (free gifts) coupons," said Jessica Stephanie Jap, AVP of Business Tokopedia.
Furthermore, Sandra Dewi added that the (discount) habit is very beneficial amidst the many daily shopping needs.
"Myself and my children have a lot of living needs. Especially the children, I even buy their sleepwear online," said Sandra.
He then continued, "Every child has a different size every month. When a child is born, they start with size zero, and now after one month, their size is three months, it's different," Sandra concluded.
Do any of you like discounts like Sandra Dewi, KLovers? I'm sure many do!
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