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Having a New House, the Picture of Titi Kamal's Luxury Kitchen Attracts Attention

Having a New House, the Picture of Titi Kamal's Luxury Kitchen Attracts Attention Titi Kamal © Santoso - Titi Kamal will soon occupy her luxurious new house, which is designed to the maximum, from the front to the inside, it looks special, one of which is Titi's kitchen that attracts attention.

The new house that will soon be completed will make Titi more enthusiastic to carry out activities, it is known that on her personal Instagram account @titi_kamall, she uploaded several photos of her luxurious kitchen in the form of a slide.

1. Titi is More Diligent in Cooking

Titi will be more enthusiastic when her new house is completed, she will also be more diligent in cooking because she really likes her kitchen.

"I really love the design of my future new house. If it's done, I promise to be more diligent in learning to cook if the kitchen is this adorable ????????????can't wait. Now the problem is, where can I get a cute panda like this and find the lighting and everything, haven't even debated with my husband yet, he wants BLACK, I want WHITE, so let's just make it white ????????.," wrote a short message on Titi's Instagram account.

2. Designed Very Maximally

The house, which is designed very maximally, besides the kitchen, there is another highlight. Yes, in his house there is a swimming pool in front of his room.

The house is also considered spacious and large, so spacious that it can be made into 7 rooms and measuring up to 1200 x 700 square meters.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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