Kapanlagi.com - Marriage is not only about loving and caring for your partner, but also about winning the hearts of their families. This is shown by a number of Indonesian celebrities who are very close to their foreign in-laws. Despite being from different countries, these celebrities are able to win the hearts of their foreign in-laws and become beloved son-in-laws.
Quite a few Indonesian celebrities have mixed blood from their fathers or mothers. It's no wonder that some celebrities have beautiful foreign-like faces and successfully capture the public's attention. Among them, some even have partners who are also from the celebrity world and have harmonious and long-lasting families.
Not only are they able to win the hearts of their partners, these celebrities with mixed race partners are also able to win the hearts of their in-laws. They become beloved son-in-laws who receive love and affection just like their own biological children. Despite having cultural and language differences, it turns out that these celebrities are not hindered from staying close and friendly with their in-laws.
Various moments of their closeness are often shared on their personal Instagram accounts and attract public attention. Curious about what the portraits of celebrities' closeness and togetherness with their foreign in-laws look like? Let's take a look at some of the portraits below.
1. Titi Kamal

(credit: Instagram.com/titi_kamall/)
Beautiful actress Titi Kamal officially married Christian Sugiono in 2009. Their marriage can be considered very lasting and harmonious until now. They have been blessed with two children named Arjuna Zayan Sugiono and Kai Attar Sugiono.
As known, Titi Kamal's husband is of German and Indonesian descent. Her mother is a German citizen and her father is from Indonesia. Titi Kamal is known to be close to her mother-in-law named Brigitte Podborny and even took the time to visit Germany.
In several photos shared by Titi Kamal on her personal Instagram account, her mother-in-law is seen to love her daughter-in-law very much, and vice versa. During her mother-in-law's birthday, Titi Kamal also joined in wishing her a happy birthday and saying a prayer for Christian Sugiono's mother.
2. Chicco Jerikho

(credit: Instagram.com/putrimarino/)
Handsome actor Chicco Jerikho officially married his beloved, the beautiful actress Putri Marino. Their marriage drew a lot of public attention and took place in 2018. They have now been blessed with a beautiful daughter named Surinala Carolina Jarumillind.
As known, Putri Marino is an actress with Italian-Indonesian heritage. Her father is a foreigner from Italy. The close bond between Chicco Jerikho and his father-in-law was also evident when Putri Marino's family celebrated her sibling's birthday. As seen in this picture, they look so harmonious and united, don't they, KLovers?
3. Ammar Zoni

(credit: Instagram.com/debeulejohan2018/)
Handsome soap opera actor Ammar Zoni also has a foreign father-in-law, who is none other than the father of Irish Bella. Yes, the beautiful actress Irish Bella is a mixed-blood celebrity with Indonesian and Belgian heritage. It's no wonder that Irish's beautiful face is inherited from both of her parents, who are equally good-looking.
By marrying Irish Bella, Ammar Zoni became the son-in-law of Irish's father named Johan de Beule. The closeness between Ammar and his father-in-law has also been captured in several moments on their Instagram accounts. They even look like a loving father and biological child in this picture.
4. Nana Mirdad

(credit: Instagram.com/nanamirdad_/)
Beautiful artist and eldest daughter of senior celebrity Lydia Kandou, Nana Mirdad, officially married Andrew White in 2006. Their married life has always been harmonious and shows their romance, making the public feel emotional.
Not only is Nana Mirdad the wife of handsome actor Andrew White, but she is also the daughter-in-law of a foreigner. Yes, Nana's husband is an Indonesian-Australian actor named Trevor White and her mother-in-law is Sri Wahyuni White. The closeness between Nana and her in-laws can also be seen in this photo. They are really close, aren't they, KLovers?
5. Melaney Ricardo

(credit: Instagram.com/tyson_lynch/)
Married to an Australian man named Tyson James Lynch, Melaney Ricardo has a foreigner as her mother-in-law who is known to be close and friendly. Some moments of closeness between Melaney and her mother-in-law have been seen in several photos shared on their social media accounts. One of them is this photo where Melaney, her beloved husband, and her mother-in-law are wearing matching outfits and look very close.
6. Edward Akbar

(credit: Instagram.com/nigelryder/)
Edward Akbar officially married the beautiful actress Kimberly Ryder in 2018. They have now been blessed with a cute and adorable child named Rayden Starlight Akbar. As known, Kimberly is an artist of Indonesian and English mixed blood with a beautiful and captivating appearance.
Edward Akbar's closeness with his in-laws is quite close on several occasions. Like this portrait when they spent time together in Bali in 2018.
So those are 7 moments of togetherness between celebrities and their foreign in-laws, they are close and beloved in-laws. Very sweet and harmonious, right KLovers?
7. Edward Akbar

(credit: Instagram.com/nigelryder/)
Edward Akbar officially married the beautiful actress Kimberly Ryder in 2018. They have now been blessed with a cute and adorable child named Rayden Starlight Akbar. As known, Kimberly is an artist of Indonesian and English mixed blood with a beautiful and captivating appearance.
Edward Akbar's closeness with his in-laws is quite close on several occasions. Like this portrait when they spent time together in Bali in 2018.
So those are 7 moments of togetherness between celebrities and their foreign in-laws, they are close and beloved in-laws. Very sweet and harmonious, right KLovers?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.