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Highlighted Because No Longer Syar'i, Like This Row of Risty Tagor's Hijab Styles that Have Changed to Fashionable

Highlighted Because No Longer Syar'i, Like This Row of Risty Tagor's Hijab Styles that Have Changed to Fashionable


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Highlighted Because No Longer Syar'i, Like This Row of Risty Tagor's Hijab Styles that Have Changed to Fashionable

Risty Tagor decided to hijrah after divorcing Stuart Collin on 24 March 2016. At that time, she appeared syar'i by wearing a long hijab and also a gamis.

However, at the beginning of 2022, she made changes to her clothing style. What does it look like? Find out here.


This is Risty Tagor's more casual and fashionable appearance. Yes, she did decide to change her dressing style.


Although she still wears a hijab, Risty has left behind the long hijab and gamis she used to wear.


She replaced it with a more casual and trendy outfit, complete with a pashmina hijab.


It is known that Risty started changing her dressing style since 2022, precisely at the end of January 2022.


Of course, the change in Risty Tagor's dressing style has attracted the attention of netizens and has elicited various reactions from them.


Many regret this decision, but there are also some netizens who defend Risty's decision.


"Hijrah itu mudah, istiqomah yang tidak mudah," wrote one netizen. "Still young, thinking about style as the number one priority," said another netizen.


Risty doesn't seem to care about netizens' comments. She appears comfortable with her new appearance.