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His Collection Plants Grow Healthy and Well, Meisya Siregar Often Invites Chat to Make Them Lush

His Collection Plants Grow Healthy and Well, Meisya Siregar Often Invites Chat to Make Them Lush Meisya Siregar (Credit: - The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many people to choose to stay at home more, including Meisya Siregar. While at home, Meisya has a lot of time to take care of her plant collection. She has a lot of plants.

She even showed off one of her plants that grew beautifully. This was known from her Instagram post on Sunday (4/4) last week.

1. Plants Don't Have to Be Expensive

In the post, this 41-year-old actress holds a pot containing green and yellow leaf plants. According to her, the plants don't have to be expensive but they need to be taken care of and talked to.

"The beauty of plants doesn't have to be expensive. What's important is to take care of them and talk to them often so they grow lush. Do you agree?" asks the woman born in Bandung, West Java.

2. Gardening Hobby

As KLovers know, gardening has become a popular hobby for many people since the pandemic. It's no wonder that many plants have skyrocketed in price. However, it seems that price is not important to Meisya.

Currently, anyone is allowed to go outside. However, make sure to always #RememberMother'sMessage. Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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