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How Mongol Celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia

How Mongol Celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia Mongol Stress © Akrom Sukarya - Various ways can be done to participate in commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. This time, comedian Mongol Stress celebrates the spirit of nationalism together with the big family of Pajero Indonesia ONE (PI-ONE).

The man whose real name is Rony Imannuel received a warm welcome at the event held on August 16th to 17th. Mongol also managed to make the Piwaners laugh.

"I am always proud when there is something in the form of a community. Like this Pajero Indonesia ONE community, which is also part of the family. We don't become egocentric. Because when we are in a community, we can make many friends. We have the same taste and hobbies," said Mongol.


1. Unable to Attend the Ceremony

Unfortunately, Mongol cannot participate in a series of events that coincide with the 7th anniversary of PI-ONE, which carries the theme Tetap Solid dan Guyub Turut Merajut Nusantara. The reason is that he has other activities.

"Actually, I really wanted to participate in the August 17th ceremony with the members of Pajero Indonesia ONE, but because there is a schedule for a performance elsewhere, I can't. I also wanted to participate in a competition with the Pajero family, actually," added Mongol.

2. Comply with Protocols

Before leaving the event, Mongol also had the opportunity to interview the Chairman of Pajero Indonesia ONE, Rwahyu Haryadi. He asked about the event, which of course follows health protocols in the midst of this pandemic.

"In the context of the 75th anniversary of Indonesian Independence and the 7th anniversary of PI-ONE, we have conducted a safety driving activity together with the Cilegon Police. So, actually, this event is organized by the Cilegon Police in collaboration with our Pajero Indonesia ONE (PI-ONE) community," said Rwahyu.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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