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Indah Permatasari's Mother Will Give Her Blessing for Her Child's Marriage to Arie Kriting as Long as She Meets Her Requirements

Indah Permatasari's Mother Will Give Her Blessing for Her Child's Marriage to Arie Kriting as Long as She Meets Her Requirements Arie Kriting and Indah Permatasari © Imagenic - Indah Permatasari and Arie Kriting have just held a wedding on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, even though the marriage was without the blessing of both parents. Nursyah, Indah Permatasari's mother, apparently agreed to bless her daughter's marriage to Arie Kriting as long as certain conditions were met.

When contacted by phone on Wednesday (1/13), Nursyah said that she had asked Arie for two conditions before marrying her daughter. However, their requests were not fulfilled by both of them.

"I gave two requests, why weren't the two requests fulfilled? My two conditions for allowing the marriage were not fulfilled, so they just got married. Not to mention two, not even one," said Nursyah.

"My conditions, I would accept if these two conditions of mine were fulfilled by Kriting and Indah. First, I wanted Indah to have a ruqyah, and secondly, Kriting had to do it in front of his parents who gave birth in the mosque, witnessed by many people, an ustaz or a kyai, swearing on the Qur'an that he would not harm my daughter," she continued.

1. Increasing Disappointment of Parents

Not only that, the disappointment of Indah Permatasari's parents is increasing because of Arie Kriting's treatment. According to Nursyah, Arie seems to not care about his family.

"So how can I not be deeply disappointed, this Kriting seems to consider us (inappropriate words) that's why he doesn't treat us like human beings. He considers our family as trash. Meanwhile, I waited and waited for days, for weeks, but nothing (met the requirements). The next day he asked for my blessing. Why is it only now that he feels that there are parents who gave birth, strange and magical. That hurts me," said the mother.

2. Never Met

In addition, Nursyah also said that her family has never met Arie Kriting's family. According to Nursyah, Indah Permatasari said her mother would get angry if that happened, even though Nursyah claimed she could position herself.

"She (Indah) immediately said, that if his family, Kriting's mother, came, she mentioned her name. She said mommy would get angry, would scold people. Astaghfirullah, La Ilaha illallah, I said, I can position myself, I am human. I gave birth to Indah. It's okay if Indah scolds me, because I consider Indah sick," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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