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Intimate Scene of Dewa and Nana by the River, 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI' Couple Reconcile - Playfully Pinch Each Other's Nose

Intimate Scene of Dewa and Nana by the River, 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI' Couple Reconcile - Playfully Pinch Each Other's Nose Zoe Jackson - Cinta Brian. Credit: via - BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI presents a captivating love story between Dewa Buwana (Cinta Brian) and Nana (Zoe Jackson). Despite frequent conflicts, they always appear intimate!

Recently, their relationship was shaken. Especially with the presence of Fajar played by Rangga Azof. Even Dewa himself felt jealous, leading to his anger towards Nana.

However, Dewa and Nana quickly reconciled. Their intimate scene immediately caught attention, including when they sat close to each other by the river!

1. Sitting Closely by the River

In one of the latest episodes of BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI (A Wife's Diary), the relationship between Dewa and Nana becomes intimate again. There is a scene where they are talking while sitting on a large rock by a river.

"We can make all of this a lesson for us, so that we can become closer," Nana said.

"Hey, am I too jealous of you?" Dewa asked. "Well, having a beautiful wife, it's normal to feel jealous," the wife jokingly replied.

2. Nose Pinching Each Other

Dalam percakapan tersebut, Dewa dan Nana menunjukkan momen mesra yang sukses bikin penonton baper.Mulai dari berpelukan erat, sampai saling cubit manja hidung satu sama lain.

"Ya kamu juga, punya suami ganteng.Pasti kamu takut kehilangan kan?" canda Dewa.

"Ih, ge er!" timpal Nana. "Ih, gak papa kali sama suami sendiri," pungkas Dewa.

Duh pasangan yang satu ini memang bikin klepek-klepek ya romantisnya!Jangan lupa untuk terus nonton kisah asmara mereka di BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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