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Invite Netizens to Exercise Diligently, Flat and Muscular Stomach of Putri Marino Makes the Wrong Focus!

Invite Netizens to Exercise Diligently, Flat and Muscular Stomach of Putri Marino Makes the Wrong Focus! Putri Marino ©Instagram/putrimarino - Putri Marino uploads a photo on her personal Instagram account. In the caption of the post, the wife of Chicco Jerikho suggests zumba for netizens who want to stay active in exercising at home.

"For all of you who are still trying to find a fun exercise that can be done at home, maybe you can check out because here you can find many @Zumba classes to choose from," she wrote in the caption of the photo uploaded on Friday (19/6/2020).

1. Show off Flat Muscular Stomach

In the photo she uploaded, Putri looks very fit. She is wearing a red sports bra with black bottoms.

This mother of one child looks very happy in the photo. She also shows off her flat and muscular stomach.

2. Netizens' Comments

The post received various responses from netizens. They praised Putri Marino's beauty in the photo.

Who would have thought that Putri already has a beautiful daughter with such an appearance?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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