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Involved in Aurel Hermansyah's Siraman Event, Ayu Dewi Cries Tears of Joy

Involved in Aurel Hermansyah's Siraman Event, Ayu Dewi Cries Tears of Joy Ayu Dewi © - Ayu Dewi, an artist, was involved in the procession of Aurel Hermansyah's siraman event held at a luxury hotel in the Pondok Indah area, South Jakarta, on Friday (19/3/2021). In the event, Ayu Dewi was appointed as the MC. Like the other guests, Ayu Dewi admitted that Aurel Hermansyah's siraman procession was very touching.

"Today's siraman event is thankfully over, and I have finished as the MC. It went smoothly, Aurel looked so beautiful and it was very touching," said Ayu Dewi in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, on Friday (19/3/2021).

1. Ayu Dewi Cries

So touching, there are moments where Ayu Dewi cries tears of joy seeing Anang Hermansyah giving a message to their daughter, Aurel Hermansyah.

"Especially when we watched Anang's messages, they were very touching, I felt like crying tears of joy, moved. Because I am not the type to cry, especially when giving a message to my daughter, it made me emotional," she said.

2. Anang and Ashanty's Message

What she remembers is that Anang Hermansyah and his wife Ashanty gave a message to Aurel, asking her to understand what her future husband will say.

"Basically, there are words, follow the imam, obey the husband, serve the husband, that's what my mother said. 'Always follow your husband, sis'," she said.

3. Ayu's Message

As someone who is married and has a lot of experience in household matters, Ayu Dewi gives a little message to Atta and Aurel.

"Basically, as someone who is already married and has children, the process of getting married is not easy because it involves many people. So, keep going, if there are differences, discuss them instead of getting upset, because sometimes even colors can become a problem.

4. Keep Creating

"But, God willing, if we are sincere, obedient to our parents, and as long as we are happy, God willing, everything will go smoothly. Atta and Aurel, keep up your spirit as a young couple who are idols, keep being active, productive, have achievements, and be financially independent, the important thing is to have good worship. Alright, get ready to embark on the journey of married life as a husband and wife. God willing, it will be filled with tranquility, love, and blessings," concluded Ayu Dewi.

The ceremonial bathing of Aurel was conducted with strict adherence to health protocols. Yes, the pandemic should not be an obstacle for anyone to get married. Nevertheless, always remember #IngatPesanIbu. Wash your hands regularly, always wear a mask, and maintain distance.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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