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Jessica Mila Doesn't Like Buying Expensive Clothes and Bags: No Budget

Jessica Mila Doesn't Like Buying Expensive Clothes and Bags: No Budget Jessica Mila © Herdianto - As a public figure, Jessica Mila certainly pays attention to her appearance in public. Especially when attending an event, she is someone who always follows the dress code. Because it means respecting the person who invited her to the event.

"I think it's important because fashion can also show what kind of character we have, and I think one way to respect the person who invited us to an event is by dressing properly, for example, according to the dress code," said Jessica Mila when met at the Launching New Collection Fall Winter Tommy Hilfiger Watches by Watch World event at Senayan City, Central Jakarta, on Thursday (1/23).

1. Don't Like Buying Expensive Clothes and Bags

However, she is not someone who sets aside a special budget for fashion matters. Because she doesn't really like buying expensive clothes or bags.

"Actually, I don't have a budget. I'm not the type of person who spends a lot of money on clothes. I don't invest too much in clothes because I don't think it's too important. I don't have a special budget and I'm not too extravagant when it comes to fashion," she said.

2. Buy According to Needs

She will buy items that suit her needs. "I rarely buy bags unless there is a need, like suddenly there's an event and I need a specific color bag, I might buy it," said Jessica Mila.

She also doesn't mind using local brands compared to branded items. For her, comfort is the most important. "(I prefer) comfort. There are some items that I use, like the bag I'm currently using, it's not a branded bag but a local brand," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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