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Kenta Yamaguchi Calls Ruben Onsu His Lifesaver

Kenta Yamaguchi Calls Ruben Onsu His Lifesaver Kenta Yamaguchi - Ruben Onsu (credit: - Akrom Sukarya) - The never-ending difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic are also felt by Japanese comedian, Kenta Yamaguchi. For several months, Kenta admitted that there were no job offers coming his way.

Because of this situation, Kenta ended up just staying in his apartment. While his income decreased, Kenta still had to fulfill his basic needs. From daily meals to electricity.

Due to the lack of work, Kenta even experienced a power outage because he couldn't afford to pay. Fortunately, there is Ruben Onsu who often helps Kenta through these difficult times. Let's find out more in the following infographic.


Stay motivated for KLovers who are also struggling in the midst of this pandemic. Always #IngatPesanIbu (Remember Mother's Message) to avoid exposure to Covid-19. Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, and keep your distance. Stay safe!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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