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'Kepengen Hijrah' Episode 3: Bella Encounters the Lowest Point in Her Life

'Kepengen Hijrah' Episode 3: Bella Encounters the Lowest Point in Her Life Credit Photo: Personal Documentation - Kepengen Hijrah is one of Vision+'s latest original series that revolves around the theme of hijrah. Starring top actors such as Rexy Rizky, Rendy Kjarnett, and Jasmine Elfira, Kepengen Hijrah tells the story of their struggles and life journey to become better individuals.

Their stories are also connected through various events, conflicts, and different challenges in pursuing their intention to hijrah. Rendy portrays a character named Baraboy, Rexy plays as Abnan, while Jasmine becomes Bella.

Speaking about hijrah, Rendy mentioned that hijrah is something that cannot be forced, as it must truly come from the call of the heart.

"Hijrah is a call from the heart. If we haven't realized it yet, we won't know what we have to do for this hijrah," Rendy explained.

1. Hijrah According to Rexy Rizky

Meanwhile, Rexy admitted that he has gone through a process of hijrah like the character he played. At one point, this 29-year-old man felt that true happiness could not be found in worldly things.

"By coincidence, I am at the same level of awareness as the one in this story (Kepengen Hijrah). The level of awareness where I believe that happiness does not come from numbers, values, or material things, but rather from moral values that can build our psychological state. One of them is through religious practices," Rexy continued.

2. Episode 3 'Kepengen Hijrah'

Currently, Kepengen Hijrah has entered its third episode, where Abnan is told to move to a small town and disguise himself as a caretaker to avoid involvement in a project suspected of corruption. Meanwhile, Annisa is attacked by netizens for not wearing a hijab even though she is a Muslim fashion designer.

What's equally interesting is the love story of Bella and Bara facing challenges. Bella decides to end her relationship with Baraboy, which actually puts her at the lowest point in her life.

Curious about the full story? Don't forget to watch the latest episode of the original series Kepengen Hijrah only on Vision+.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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