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Kyla, Adhisty Zara's Sister, Experienced Sexual Harassment During Instagram Live, Admits Lifelong Trauma

Kyla, Adhisty Zara's Sister, Experienced Sexual Harassment During Instagram Live, Admits Lifelong Trauma Hasyakyla Utami: - The moment of live Instagram is a moment commonly used by public figures to connect with their fans. It is not uncommon for many public figures to go live with their fans. However, what should have been an enjoyable experience turned into a trauma for Kyla, a former member of JKT 48. She experienced sexual harassment when a randomly chosen fan showed his genitals.






1. Shocked When a Fan Shows Genitalia.

There was no suspicion at all before Kyla accepted the request button. However, shortly after, she immediately slammed and ended her live session.

Kyla still couldn't believe that this indecent act happened to her. After a while, she immediately vented on her Twitter account.

“Shock therapy for all,” she wrote.




2. Kyla Shocked and Traumatized.

The unpleasant moment has traumatized Kyla. She admitted that she no longer wants to go live on Instagram. Her confession was recorded on her personal Twitter account.

“Definitely traumatized from going live on IG forever,” wrote the owner of the Twitter account @hasyakyla.





3. Provide Clarification

In her live stream, Kyla mentioned a name before deciding to end the live together.

"Come on, Kak Iin (let's go live together). But I'm about to eat, I've been called by the queen," she said without any suspicion.

After a while, the person in question immediately clarified that it was not them who engaged in the inappropriate act.

“Guys, I swear everyone asked for my clarification. Well, I'll tell you that it's not me in the video with Kyla. I'm also confused why I have to clarify because it's not me and I'm a girl, I don't have a bird. Thank you,” wrote IIn Waode, choreographer of JKT 48






Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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