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Latest Photo of Attila Syach, Former Husband of Wulan Guritno, Their Son is Already a Teenager and Very Handsome

Latest Photo of Attila Syach, Former Husband of Wulan Guritno, Their Son is Already a Teenager and Very Handsome Attila Syach (credit: - Wulan Guritno has just announced sad news. She has just filed for divorce from her husband, Adilla Dimitri. This is not the first time Wulan has divorced. She separated from Attila Syach in the early 2000s after having one child.

Unlike Wulan who is still active in the entertainment industry until now, Atilla seems to have disappeared after separating from his ex-wife. When he was young, he was known as a model like his older sister and younger brother, but now Atilla is more focused on the business world.

1. Photo with Siblings, Children, and Nephews

Adilla also seems to have distanced herself from social media. Her last Instagram update was in 2017. On her Instagram, Adilla also never uploaded photos of any special women in her life.

Although there has been no news for a long time, the handsome face of Attila still often appears on social media of her sibling who is also an artist. Most recently in February, Attila's younger brother, Attar Syach, uploaded a photo of them together.

2. Praised by Netizens

In the photo, it's not just the two of them, but also with their respective sons. Attar is seen standing behind Jaka Tirta Syach, the son of Attila. Meanwhile, Attila is behind Fattah Syach, her nephew who is also Attar's son.

The togetherness of these four handsome men received praise from netizens who like to see their moments. Previously, Attila appeared on her siblings' Instagram during Eid al-Fitr.

Well, hopefully Attila and her family always stay healthy and happy!



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