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Latest Photos and News from SMASH Members, Now Becoming Mamang Seblak and a Father of One Child

Latest Photos and News from SMASH Members, Now Becoming Mamang Seblak and a Father of One Child


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Latest Photos and News from SMASH Members, Now Becoming Mamang Seblak and a Father of One Child

Rafael Tan is currently viral because of his seblak recipe and his style of enjoying delicious food while speaking Sundanese. Because of this, many former SMASH fans miss their idol.

For those who are curious about the activities of SMASH members, here are their latest photos!

Latest Photos and News from SMASH Members, Now Becoming Mamang Seblak and a Father of One Child

Rafael is now busy as a TikTok celebrity and culinary influencer and has received praise for his humor. But Rafael is still active in performing with SMASH and has a culinary business selling fried chicken and seblak and is often called Mamang.

Latest Photos and News from SMASH Members, Now Becoming Mamang Seblak and a Father of One Child

Bisma, in addition to performing with SMASH, loves traveling. Currently, he is also still in a relationship with Andira Hadley. Oh, Bisma is also an animator.

Latest Photos and News from SMASH Members, Now Becoming Mamang Seblak and a Father of One Child

Dicky Prasetya likes to change his hair color frequently. In addition to being active with SMASH, he is also popular as an endorser.


Reza is also active on TikTok. In addition, he is now a DJ under the name Reza Sigma. And of course, he is still active with SMASH.

Latest Photos and News from SMASH Members, Now Becoming Mamang Seblak and a Father of One Child

Surely many already know that Ilham got married to Puti Andini in 2018. They also have a cute child named Quinnsha Shanum Fauzi.

Latest Photos and News from SMASH Members, Now Becoming Mamang Seblak and a Father of One Child

Rangga Moela was rumored to have left around 2019. At that time, Rangga explained that he did not leave or get kicked out but was already bound by another contract. Rangga now has a fashion brand called ED-JEH and is popular as an endorser.


Morgan left SMASH in 2013 and since then has chosen to focus on acting. In 2023, he starred in the movie PUISI CINTA YANG MEMBUNUH. Morgan is also rumored to be in a relationship with Valerie Thomas, the daughter of senior actor Jeremy Thomas.

Latest Photos and News from SMASH Members, Now Becoming Mamang Seblak and a Father of One Child

So yeah, SMASH is still active until now. So are you still loyal as a SMASHBLAST?