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Latest Portrait of Dikta who is Getting Thinner, Revealing Suspected Worm Infection but Still Handsome

Latest Portrait of Dikta who is Getting Thinner, Revealing Suspected Worm Infection but Still Handsome


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Latest Portrait of Dikta who is Getting Thinner, Revealing Suspected Worm Infection but Still Handsome

For the past few months, Pradikta Wicaksono has been looking thinner. The vocalist, affectionately called Dikta, has been very diligent in exercising and engaging in various activities.

However, when looking at his photo after a diving practice, Dikta revealed the suspected cause of his thin body, which is a worm infection. Of course, this is just a joke from Dikta.


Dikta has recently appeared thinner. He admitted that his appearance has changed.

Latest Portrait of Dikta who is Getting Thinner, Revealing Suspected Worm Infection but Still Handsome

Lately, Dikta has been actively involved in sports. He does everything from tennis to rock climbing.


In addition to his passion for singing and songwriting, Dikta has a lot of other activities.


Perhaps because of these numerous activities, Dikta's body has become even thinner.


Despite being thin, Dikta is still confident in showing off his body. His tattoos are really cool!


But recently, Dikta revealed his theory about his thin body. He suspects that he has a worm infestation.

Latest Portrait of Dikta who is Getting Thinner, Revealing Suspected Worm Infection but Still Handsome

When wearing a wetsuit, Dikta's body does appear thinner. But he still looks handsome.


If this is the case, who would complain about Dikta's skinny body. He's very handsome like a Korean oppa.


In addition to Dikta's appearance, there's an interesting news about Nia Ramadhani. Read more here.