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Latest Portrait of Jason, the Eldest Son of Nana Mirdad and Andrew White, Looking Handsome at Almost 17 Years Old

Latest Portrait of Jason, the Eldest Son of Nana Mirdad and Andrew White, Looking Handsome at Almost 17 Years Old

Celebrity Children

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Latest Portrait of Jason, the Eldest Son of Nana Mirdad and Andrew White, Looking Handsome at Almost 17 Years Old

Jason Deandra White, the eldest son of Nana Mirdad and Andrew White, is now almost 17 years old. Growing up, Jason looks increasingly handsome and tall! It is clearly visible in his latest photos uploaded on Nana and Andrew's Instagram account. Curious to see?

Latest Portrait of Jason, the Eldest Son of Nana Mirdad and Andrew White, Looking Handsome at Almost 17 Years Old

Here is the latest portrait of Nana Mirdad and Andrew White who have just left for a vacation in Singapore. Netizens are drawn to their eldest son, Jason.


Not only does Jason Deandra White, who will soon be 17 years old, look more handsome, he is also very tall and taller than his mother.


The combination of Andrew and Nana, who are both handsome and beautiful, looks perfect, resulting in a son as handsome as Jason.


As a teenager growing rapidly, it's no wonder that Jason's physical changes have caught the attention of netizens.

Latest Portrait of Jason, the Eldest Son of Nana Mirdad and Andrew White, Looking Handsome at Almost 17 Years Old

Even when standing next to his father, you can see how tall Jason has grown. In a short time, he may soon surpass Andrew White.


It became even more apparent when Jason posed next to his sister, Sarah. They who were once not far apart, now seem to be further away.

Latest Portrait of Jason, the Eldest Son of Nana Mirdad and Andrew White, Looking Handsome at Almost 17 Years Old

As for fashion, Jason himself prefers to dress casually and minimally, just like his dad. He's so handsome, isn't he? ;)


Seeing Jason's increasing charm, it's no wonder that netizens believe he will become an idol in the future following the success of his grandparents and parents. What do you think?

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Growing Up as a Teenager, Here are 8 Portraits of Sienna, Marshanda and Ben Kasyafani's Daughter Who Has Become a Beautiful Teenage Girl - So Beautiful Like a 'Lala Fairy'

These are the portraits of Sienna, Marshanda and Ben Kasyafani's daughter, who has grown up as a teenager and looks more like a beautiful teenage girl.

Growing Up as a Teenager, Here are 8 Portraits of Sienna, Marshanda and Ben Kasyafani's Daughter Who Has Become a Beautiful Teenage Girl - So Beautiful Like a 'Lala Fairy'