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Latest Progress to the Details of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's New House, Super Luxurious with a Total of 3 Floors!

Latest Progress to the Details of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's New House, Super Luxurious with a Total of 3 Floors!

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Latest Progress to the Details of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's New House, Super Luxurious with a Total of 3 Floors!

Written by: Elmira Aubyn Azzahrina

The phenomenal Indonesian couple, Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah, are rumored to be soon occupying their new house. This new house located in the Pondok Indah area looks super luxurious after entering the finishing stage. The three-story house has many complete facilities and furniture. It can be ensured that the price reaches tens of millions or even hundreds of millions!

So, what is the latest development in the construction of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's new house? Check out the complete pictures below!


Through her Instagram account, Sarwendah always documents herself and her family when visiting her new home to check on the progress of the construction of the house that she will inhabit.


Although there is a lift in her house, Sarwendah also builds a luxurious spiral staircase that will be equipped with staircase decorative lights. She seems very enthusiastic and impatient.

Latest Progress to the Details of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's New House, Super Luxurious with a Total of 3 Floors!

This mother of three checks every part of her house very carefully. She also feels that the progress of the construction of her new house is very fast.

Latest Progress to the Details of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's New House, Super Luxurious with a Total of 3 Floors!

Cici Thalia's bathroom is also estimated to be 80% complete. Betrand Peto's room, which is located near Thalia's room, is also almost finished.

Latest Progress to the Details of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's New House, Super Luxurious with a Total of 3 Floors!

On Saturday (30/03), he checked the progress of his new house accompanied by Thania and Onyo. It can be seen that the installation of furniture in the kitchen is being carried out.

Latest Progress to the Details of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's New House, Super Luxurious with a Total of 3 Floors!

He also explained that in front of the dining room there is a balcony that leads directly to the outdoor garden. Wow, it's really nice to enjoy the greenery of the garden while eating at home!


Do you know, KLovers? Sarwendah is the one who designed her new house herself! No wonder she is really detail-oriented about every area in her house.


Furthermore, she built a room to store all the floor mats so she doesn't have to bother looking for them in the warehouse.

Latest Progress to the Details of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's New House, Super Luxurious with a Total of 3 Floors!

Other stairs are also made of titanium granite. Can you imagine how much the total cost is?


Thania looks very excited when she is on the upper balcony. The balcony is installed with synthetic grass that can be used as a place to relax and play, making it easy to clean.


Let's pray that Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's new house can be occupied soon, KLovers!

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