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List of Artists who Married Non-Artists, the Latest Being Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan!

List of Artists who Married Non-Artists, the Latest Being Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan!

Celebrity Wedding

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List of Artists who Married Non-Artists, the Latest Being Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan!

The celebrity world is often associated with on-location romance. Many celebrities have relationships with their colleagues that lead to marriage. However, it is not uncommon for celebrities to find their soulmates outside the entertainment industry they are currently in. Just like the following artists, they have found their partners outside their current profession. Who are they? Find out in the following review.


Written by: Salma Azzahidah


Marcella Daryanani officially married her dream man in February.


Mumuk Gomezkini is getting happier after marrying a businessman from Minangkabau, Eno Retra.


Julie Estelle officially became the wife of racer David Tjiptobiantoro since February.


Ikbal Fauzi married Novia Giana on March 21, 2021, after going through a three-month taaruf process.


Olivia Zalianty officially ended her single life at the age of 39 with a man named Ndaru Kusumo.


Evan Marvino officially proposed to Uffidatun Nitami, who is none other than his own fan.


Ridho DA also married a woman from a non-artist background on October 17, 2021.


Latest, Ria Ricis officially married Teuku Ryan who works as a state-owned bank employee.