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List of Betrand Peto's 16th Birthday Presents, From Branded Shoes to Mini Scooter

List of Betrand Peto's 16th Birthday Presents, From Branded Shoes to Mini Scooter


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List of Betrand Peto's 16th Birthday Presents, From Branded Shoes to Mini Scooter

Betrand Peto, Son of Onsu, just celebrated his 16th birthday on 14/3/2021. Ruben Onsu's foster son received many wishes, birthday cakes, and gifts from friends, acquaintances, and fans. In the latest upload on The Onsu Family's Youtube channel, Betrand can be seen busy opening (unboxing) the numerous gifts that almost filled up a room.

KLovers, let's see what gifts Betrand received in the photo news below.

List of Betrand Peto's 16th Birthday Presents, From Branded Shoes to Mini Scooter

The first gift he opened was from his fan group. Based on its shape, Betrand thought it was a guitar. Turns out, after opening it, it contained a doll and a photo.


The next gift that was opened contained light blue shoes with black and yellow combination. Betrand praised these shoes as very cool and he will wear them immediately.

List of Betrand Peto's 16th Birthday Presents, From Branded Shoes to Mini Scooter

Ivan Gunawan didn't forget to give a gift of a famous branded shoes. Betrand thanked his father's friend and also promised to wear the shoes.


The next gift is still related to footwear. Betrand also received a comfortable pair of sandals. This gift came from Betrand's relative.

List of Betrand Peto's 16th Birthday Presents, From Branded Shoes to Mini Scooter

Betrand was very happy when he opened the box containing a branded wristwatch. Apparently, the gift came from his father, Ruben Onsu.


Betrand's fans have apparently created a book containing photos and biography of their idol. Betrand is amazed that his fans love him so much.


Betrand Peto's fans also want their idol to be able to sleep and relax comfortably. Two pillows are the contents of the next gift opened by Betrand.


Betrand is busy unboxing a gift that is quite large. After opening it, it turns out the gift contains a mini scooter.

List of Betrand Peto's 16th Birthday Presents, From Branded Shoes to Mini Scooter

A set of stationery and books is also one of the gifts received. Betrand admits that he is happy because now he can write songs in that book.

List of Betrand Peto's 16th Birthday Presents, From Branded Shoes to Mini Scooter

Betrand received a gift that contained a night light. When this light is turned on and directed towards the wall, the light can form a starry sky.