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Long Time No Hear, Here's the News of the Characters Euis and Ara in the Soap Opera 'Keluarga Cemara'

Long Time No Hear, Here's the News of the Characters Euis and Ara in the Soap Opera 'Keluarga Cemara' Ceria Hade. © Kafril - The soap opera Keluarga Cemara that aired from 1996 to 2005 was one of the popular soap operas of its time. The soap opera became even more exciting to watch with the presence of three daughters of Abah (Adi Kurdi) and Emak (Novia Kolopaking), namely Euis (Ceria Hade), Ara (Anisa Fujiyanti), and Agil (Pudji Lestari).

When met at the press conference for the film TERIMA KASIH EMAK TERIMA KASIH ABAH in the Rasuna Said area, Setiabudi, South Jakarta (4/3) Wednesday afternoon, Ceria Hade and Anisa Fujiyanti are now both mothers. They are reunited with the entire cast of the soap opera Keluarga Cemara through the film TERIMA KASIH EMAK TERIMA KASIH ABAH.



1. Ceria Hade Enjoys Working in a Bank

Ceria Hade admitted that after a long hiatus from the acting world, she became a career woman. When she received an offer to return to acting in the film 'Terima Kasih Emak Terima Kasih Abah', Ceria said her family was surprised after being away from the acting world for 14 years.

"Acting has been absent for 14 years. I now work in a state-owned bank. So, I am happy and at the same time, my husband and children are seeing the shooting location and conditions for the first time. They were also surprised," said Ceria Hade.

2. Anisa Admits Feeling Awkward

Meanwhile, Anisa Fujiyanti admitted that she initially felt awkward after returning to acting after more than a decade. Anisa said that education and family were the reasons why she did not return to acting after starring in the television series 'Keluarga Cemara'.

"It's a bit awkward, because we are already mothers. So, we never really thought about returning to the acting world, but because the director, who is like our father, asked us, we finally agreed to act," said Anisa.

3. Anisa Berkeluarga

"If I don't return to the world of acting because of school and now I'm working, already married and have children, focusing on the children, staying at home," she continued.

Although now they are both acting again, they still cannot determine whether they will continue their careers in the acting world or not.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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