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Looking Elegant, Nagita Slavina's Simple Circle Earrings Can Be Used as a Down Payment for a Car!

Looking Elegant, Nagita Slavina's Simple Circle Earrings Can Be Used as a Down Payment for a Car! Nagita Slavina. Credit: Rufus Azarya via taken on 27/2/2020 at 20.09 - Nagita Slavina is a well-known celebrity in the country. In addition to her personal life story, the appearance of Raffi Ahmad's wife is often a topic of conversation.

On various occasions, Nagita Slavina will always appear in a stylish fashion combination. Furthermore, her outfits and accessories are always from famous brands.

Recently, Gigi's accessories caught attention. It appeared to be simple, but its price was extremely high. Curious about what it looks like?

1. Just Returned

Just returned from a trip around the world with Rafathar Malik Ahmad and the RANS Entertainment team, Nagita Slavina and Raffi Ahmad have already appeared on several television shows.

Now, Gigi's appearance as a guest on the OKAY BOSS show, broadcasted by Trans7, has attracted attention. Especially the accessories she wears.

2. Expensive Earrings

It's no secret that Gigi likes to collect fashion items from famous brands. When she was a guest on OKAY BOSS, she was seen wearing a simple yet sweet and chic gold hoop earrings.

Apparently, the earrings are from the luxury brand Hermes. The price can be used as a down payment for a car, reaching 47,800,000 Indonesian rupiah!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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