Atta Halilintar who has just become the first Southeast Asian YouTuber to reach 9 million subscribers, once again invades an artist's house. This time Atta visited Luna Maya's house. Let's take a look at the house of this beautiful top actress.
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Atta Halilintar who has just become the first Southeast Asian YouTuber to reach 9 million subscribers, once again invades an artist's house. This time Atta visited Luna Maya's house. Let's take a look at the house of this beautiful top actress.
There is also a swimming pool and a garden around it. Luna indeed admits that she really likes houses with spacious gardens.
One of the rooms usually occupied by Luna's mother. But it is said that this room still needs renovation and has not been touched yet.
There's also a kitchen, you know. Luna admits that she is someone who likes to cook. Although Atta teases her a little about what Luna means is boiling water.
In this workspace, Luna also keeps a collection of awards she has received. One of the most memorable ones is when she received an award for a short film she worked on.
There are several cartoon figure collections here. Luna confesses that she often feels happy. One of them is from Disney, which almost always gives her a doll every time an animated film is released.
Next, let's go to Luna's workspace. This is where Luna Maya usually watches YouTube and keeps funny objects as well as many memories for her.
As mentioned earlier, there are several hanging paintings in Luna's house. It turns out that those are the works of her father, who is indeed an artist.
This is the beginning part of Luna Maya's house, which supposedly still needs renovation. There are several sofas and paintings inside the residence of the SUZZANA: BERNAFAS DI DALAM KUBUR film star.
It seems like this is the family room. There is a cabinet for the television. There is also fitness equipment, and not far from the sofa, there is a dining table.
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